Volunteering with H15 Ministries

In today’s culture, it is becoming increasingly difficult for our teens to find good role models. Just take a look at TV shows and movies, or at the elite among our sports stars and you will more often than not find bad examples for our youth.

God has called us to set the example for the world. We are a chosen people that God has called to be a light in the darkness. Whether you are a teen yourself or you are 105 years old you can have an impact. It doesn’t take a perfect person to share God’s love!

With that in mind, we are searching for people who will come and spend time with the teens that come to H15 with the goal of setting a Godly example. That doesn’t require you to preach to them, be cool or relevant, understand their teenage ways, and most definitely you don’t have to be perfect! What it means is that you will come with a heart full of God’s love and just spend time with them, having fun and building relationships. God will bring about the changes that need to take place in them. As you build friendships, you can count on God to open the doors that will allow you to share your faith. It isn’t until they see that you love them that they will care about why.

Our goal is to find people who are living a Christ-like life. To that end, you will need to complete the following steps before you can be approved as a volunteer:

  1. Read H15’s Statement of Beliefs and decide if they agree with your own beliefs. It is important that we stand united in these beliefs. Please talk to us if you have any concerns, we will be happy to discuss any questions you have to help you decide if this is the right ministry for you.
  2. Complete and submit the volunteer application below.
  3. After reviewing your application we will contact you to set up an interview or ask for further information.
  4. After the interview, if we feel you are a good fit for our ministry we will ask adults to complete a background check and teens to provide a recommendation letter from their senior or youth pastor. (The cost of the background check is $37. Please talk to us before letting that stop you from applying)
  5. As long as there are no red flags, you will be approved.
  6. You will be asked to sign a covenant committing to actively seek to live out your faith.

This might seem like a strict process to go through just to volunteer but in today’s culture we not only need to find Godly volunteers but it is necessary to ensure the safety of the young people we are serving. We hope you understand how important this is.

We thank you for wanting to come alongside us in this ministry and we urge you to seek God prayerfully as you make your decision. Teens are looking for meaning in their lives and we are excited to be able to share that with them!

Andy Schafer

Founder & Director


Click the button for whichever way you would like to submit your application.