Our Beliefs

We believe that man is born into a sinful nature and is incapable of saving himself.
Our sin eternally separates us from God.
Therefore, God, through His love and for His glory, chose to send His only son, Jesus, to:

  • Teach us the truth of God’s will for our lives
  • Commission us to spread the good news of the Gospel into all the world
  • Take our sin upon Himself
  • Pay the death penalty for that sin by dying on the cross
  • Give us victory over death and Satan by rising from the grave
  • Ascend into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God
  • Give us access to God’s throne and be our intercessor before Him
  • Send the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation to dwell within us and guide our lives
In light of what God has done for us through His son Jesus,
and by the grace and mercy He offers us, our responsibility is to:

  • Realize that our only chance for salvation is through Jesus and only Jesus
  • Accept God’s gift of salvation by believing we are sinners in need of a savior and that Jesus has completed that work by dying on the cross and rising again.
  • Seek to draw closer to God in our personal lives through time spent in prayer and Bible study.
  • Seek to allow the Holy Spirit who lives within us to bring real change into our lives.
  • Freely share the good news of the Gospel with those God brings into our lives.
  • Demonstrate the change that God has brought about in our lives by being His hands and feet here on earth.
  • Watch, pray, and be prepared for Jesus’ physical return to bring His church home.

There are many views on many things among Christians.
Some are very controversial while others are simply variations in personal opinion.
Some are worth arguing about while others are not.

We hold firm to these beliefs:

  • The Bible is God’s inspired word to us and, in its original form, is without error
  • While we understand there is some symbolism used, the Bible should be interpreted literally
  • No English translation of the Bible is perfect
  • Heaven and Hell are literal places and all of us will spend eternity in one or the other
  • Homosexuality is a sin but as with all sin, it does not exclude someone from God’s love
  • Marriage is ordained by God as one man and one woman bound together for life
  • Abortion is murder

Our job as Christians is to be a beacon of light that shines into the darkness of this world.
God has given us so much. As He told His disciples in Matthew 10:8, Freely you have received, freely give.
Our faith requires action to be worth anything. Let’s take the gift of God’s love and spread it far and wide so that every life we have contact with is affected even if it is only in some small way.

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Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.

Habakkuk 1:5