Teen Center
You might like to know what our operation policies are. If so, keep reading, this is the page for you!
Even if you aren’t interested, it still would be good familiarize yourself with our organization if you will be sending a teen or are a teen planning to visit.
This page should answer a lot of questions you may have
- There is no charge for teens to come in.
- All teens are welcome from the time they turn 13 until they turn 20. Some sessions may have further age restrictions.
- Occasionally H15 may do some sort of structured group activity for a short time during a normal session. The rest of the Center activites may be closed if the staff deems it necessary. Teens that don’t want to participate are free to leave or sit quietly until the activity is over.
- Children 12 and under are not permitted except as a visitor. (see visitor section)
- Meals are served at no charge.
- There is no check in or check out for teens, they can come and go as they please provided they are obeying the rules.
- H15 is not responsible for teens who leave our facility.
- It is expected that teens know the wishes of their parents/guardians and it is up to them to obey. H15 can not enforce individual family rules and requests.
- H15 staff is willing to communicate within reason with parents/guardians about thier teen’s activities, however, the teen must be aware of any request of this nature.
- Teens are expected to leave the facility at closing time. If they need a ride they should arrange to be picked up at the appropriate time. Staff is not responsible to wait past closing time so teens may have to wait outside if their ride does not arrive on time.
Food and Drinks
- Water will always be available but nothing else is guaranteed.
- Outside food and drinks are welcome and cooler space is available. Items being saved for later must have the teen’s name clearly marked on it. Items left after the end of a session may be disposed of or made available to others at the discression of the staff.
- The meals that are served at H15 vary from session to session. If a teen isn’t interested in what is being served, they must provide their own food.
- Food items that may contain a common alergen will be identified but each teen is expected to understand their own dietary needs and restrictions and ask questions if in any doubt.
- Meals may be provided by outside organizations or individuals that wish to support H15. The preparation of such meals is not regulated by H15.
- Meals provided by H15 often include donated food items.
- While every precaution is taken to ensure food safety, H15 is not responsible for any illness that may be caused by the food we serve.
- At the discretion of H15 staff, some items may be served after the “best by” date printed on the package. This is very common with snack foods such as chips or candy.
- All staff, whether volunteer or paid, undergo background checks and are vetted by H15.
- Minimum of 3 adult staff, including 1 male and 1 female, are required for the Center to be open.
- If the expected attendance is 10 or less, one of the 3 staff can just be on call.
- Under no circumstances will the Center open or remain open if only one staff person is available.
- The staff will gather for a time of prayer a few minutes before opening. Teens that arrive early will be invited to join but may wait outside if they wish.
- Younger children of staff members are not permitted to be at H15 during sessions.
Staff interaction with teens
- Staff will actively seek to interact and build relationships with the teens but will respect the teen’s wishes if they want to be left alone.
- H15 is a Mandatory Reporting Agency meaning any information that a teen shares in regards to abuse, personal safety, or other dangerous situations WILL BE reported to the appropriate authorities.
- Staff will use their own best judgement in regards to exchanging personal information with teens and what type of contact they may have outside of the H15 facility.
- H15 does not offer any sort of transportation services. Each staff member will use their own best judgement in regards to giving rides to the teens in their own personal vehicles.
Delays and closings:
- If there is not enough staff to be open, H15 may not open at all or may close early.
- In the case of inclement weather H15 will not open. This decision is typically made in the early afternoon and will be based on the actual conditions in and around the village of Millersburg.
- H15 will close or delay if there are any safety concerns in the facility such as plumbing, electrical, or HVAC issues.
- In the case of an early closing, staff will do their best to accomodate the needs of the teens as they coordinate rides and such but will not be responsible for where the teens go or how they get there.
- The primary means of communicating about closures will be the H15 Facebook page. Please check there if you have any questions about possible closings.
- Visitors are welcome but all adults must check in with a staff member and wear a vistor badge while they are inside the facility.
- Children under the age of 12 are only permitted to visit with an adult and must remain with that adult during their entire visit.
- Visitors who are just interested in seeing the facility and learning about it will be asked to limit their visit to around 30 minutes and will be accompanied by a staff member the entire time.
- Visitors who are in the process to be registered as a volunteer of H15 are welcome to stay for an entire session but will be closely monitored by other staff memebers and are not permitted to bring young children.
Sharing our faith:
- H15 is a Christian organization and our primary purpose is to show God’s love to the teens that come and ultimately offer them the chance to accept Him as Savior.
- H15 staff will actively seek ways to demonstrate God’s love in whatever way they feel led. This many times is simply through setting a Godly example in the way they talk and act. However, if the door is open, staff will not hesitate to talk more directly about Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Gospel message.
- When the staff learns of pain, trouble, or other issues in the life of a teen they may offer to pray and share scripture with them.
- H15 may do various types of programs that are specifically Christian in nature.
- Staff will often invite teens to attend church services, go to Christian events, or participate in other Christian activities.
- Staff will never hesitate to lead a willing teen of any age in accepting Salvation.
- Staff may give Bibles or other materials to the teens.
- Staff members will under no circumstances try to force a teen into any sort of conversation about our faith. All conversations of this nature will come about because the staff member believes that the teen is open to it.
- In any of the above circumstances, teens are always free to decline any offer without any repercussions of any sort.